Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Come on Down...

Truly, to hear these words following my name is a dream of mine...and someday it will happen! While we were at the beach house...Aunt Aubrey watched Ty so that Steve and I could go to the Price is Right with some of the 18 and ups! Although it wasn't my turn to come on down, my Aunt did! Watch November 16th!

In line waiting to get our name tags!

In front of the CBS studios!

On our way there...(I just have to add...the last ride for us in the "Excursion Truck!" sad!)

This was my second trip to the show, I've been once with Bob and now Drew! I'll go again and hopefully the third times a charm! ;)


The Drinkwater Family said...

Seriously so sad!!! I'm very upset that we weren't consulted on the selling of the "excursion truck!" Whatever! We had a lot of fun with you guys, even though it was a REALLY long day!

Natalie Schmidt said...

WOW!! You both are a little upset about selling that vehicle! haha. I think its funny :) love ya!

Abe n Linz said...

That would be so awesome!